Friday, May 27, 2011

Another Botany Bob Adventure

So again, I was wrangled into another adventure. Botany Bob has been assigned to do mushroom surveys for random units of matrix land. Rather than bucking it alone he called upon me to join him since our last adventure proved to be something to remember. This time he took me to a new unit located out in the Applegate.
There again, were really no roads that allowed us to access the land, along with that it was a rare bit of acreage that had NEVER been logged. And when I say NEVER I mean NEVER. While hiking I was dumbfounded to see that there was not one god damn stump to be seen. I have NEVER walked on land that had NEVER been logged. It was something to see for sure. As Botany Bob described it.. "This is some of the most pristine Old Growth I have ever gotten the chance to see. This could seriously be made into a National Park." And I would like to affirm his statement. It was phenomenal.
Here are some of the photos taken that day:

So I may be wrong on some of these. I'd be damn surprised if anyone knew them better so my guess is as good as most. 
 Antitrichia californica.
 Usnea ssp
 A HUGE Psuedostuga menziesii. Those upper branches were the size of trees.
 Dichranium ssp.
 Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus. Also known as Electrified cat tails. ha.
 Eurhynchium oreganum
 Evernia prunastri
 Gyromitra esculenta
 Helvella leucomeleana

 Lobaria pulmonaria

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